Nursing students in a clinical setting
Nursing student practicing clinical skills
Nursing student practicing clinical skills on a SIM Manikin
Nursing students learn about flight nursing

Join a top ranked nursing program

One of the top ranked programs in the State of Georgia, our Bachelor of Science in Nursing program is committed to developing nursing leaders who demonstrate mastery of clinical reasoning, professional nursing skills and values.

Degree Requirements 

Learn at our state-of-the-art Simulation and Translational Research Center, one of two in Georgia.

Key Benefits of this Degree


Entry Level Avg Salary
Different Career Options
Continuing Education Options
Samantha Summerville and Mo


Samantha Summerville has lived with Type 1 diabetes for the last 15 years of her life. She had grown so accustomed to all the electronic alarms warning her about blood sugar fluctuations that they didn’t wake her up anymore.

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Apply for the Nursing Program


Admission to the nursing program is highly competitive. Students apply for entry into the BSN nursing program while completing their core requirements, generally during their sophomore year. Application dates can be found in the Application Process section below. After acceptance into the BSN program, students complete two years of nursing courses. Earning a BSN typically takes a total of four years or eight semesters.

Students who are accepted into the BSN program must submit evidence of health status, health insurance, immunizations, TB screening, professional liability insurance, other professional licenses (if applicable), current American Heart Association Health Care Provider certification (CPR), ability to meet technical standards, documents as specified by clinical agencies, and other laboratory tests as specified.

Nursing students should expect some additional fees including Health Education System Incorporated (HESI) testing, uniforms, watch with sweep-second hand, physical assessment equipment, official GC picture identification, malpractice insurance, health insurance, criminal background screens, clinical travel expenses and laboratory fees. Estimated costs of additional fees for the BSN program are about $2,000 excluding health insurance premiums.

The large number of health care agencies in the region makes it possible for the College of Health Sciences to offer a variety of clinical learning opportunities; however, students can anticipate driving up to 100 miles for clinical learning on occasion. Travel expenses are the responsibility of the student.


Students interested in entering the BSN program at Georgia College & State University must first apply to the University. All official college transcripts (if any) should be directed to the Office of Admissions, Georgia College, Milledgeville, GA 31061 or

Nursing applications to the BSN program are accepted based on the following schedule:


 Submit GCSU ApplicationSubmit Official TranscriptsSubmit Official Score Reports
TEAS Testing DeadlineBSN Application AvailableBSN Application Deadline
Fall/Summer Semester BSN CohortJanuary 15January 15January 15First Friday in FebruaryFirst Friday in DecemberFirst Friday in February at noon



 Submit GCSU ApplicationSubmit Official TranscriptsSubmit Official Score Reports
TEAS Testing DeadlineBSN Application AvailableBSN Application Deadline
Spring/Summer Semester BSN CohortJuly 15July 15July 15Last Friday in  JulyLast Friday in JuneLast Friday in July at noon

Read the instructions below before completing the nursing program application. The application link is located at the bottom of this section and is only available during the dates indicated in the table above. Late applications will not be accepted. Applicants will be notified of acceptance decisions no later than six weeks after the date that the applications close.

The application for summer and fall 2025 admission is no longer available.



  1. Prior to applying, applicants to the BSN Program are encouraged to consult with a nursing advisor to ensure that all requirements published on the official website and catalog for the BSN Program are met. Only complete applications are reviewed for admissions. Not all qualified applicants are admitted due to space limitations in the cohort.
  2. A complete application includes:
    • Evidence of acceptance to Georgia College
    • ATI TEAS (latest edition) Score. Exam may not be repeated more than twice in a two-year period.
    • Evidence of having met the history and constitution (U.S. and Georgia) legislative requirements or a specific plan for meeting this requirement. Satisfying legislative requirements by exam must be done prior to May 31 for the fall cohort, July 31 for the spring cohort, or December 31 for the summer cohort. Courses that satisfy legislative requirements must be completed prior to the start of the BSN Program.
    • Evidence of plan (included in application) for completing core requirements before the first day of class in the BSN Program.
    • A grade of C or better must be earned in the following courses: ENGL 1101, all Area D courses, and all Area F courses.
    • Evidence that a minimum of 50% of nursing core courses are complete at the time of application, including completion of BIOL 2251K/BIOL 2160 (Anatomy & Physiology I)


  1. Completed applications are reviewed by the School of Nursing Admissions, Progression and Recognition Committee.
  2. Information used in the review of applications includes:
    1. Overall Grade Point Average (minimum 3.0 required)
    2. Nursing GPA (all attempts for area A math, area D math, area D sciences, and all area F courses) 
    3. ATI TEAS Score with minimum score of 70%
    4. Core hours completed at GCSU Notification of acceptance decisions are made within 4-6 weeks of the application deadline.


In order to ensure continued acceptance and entrance into the SON BSN Program applicants must:

  1. Meet all requirements specified in their acceptance letter in order to secure their placement in the BSN Program.
  2. Complete all core courses and meet all history and constitution (U.S. and Georgia) legislative requirements prior to the first day of class in the BSN Program. Legislative exams must be passed by May 31 for the fall cohort, July 31 for the spring cohort, or December 31 for the summer cohort. Courses that satisfy legislative requirements must be completed before the start of the BSN Program.
  3. Complete and satisfy all program orientation and clinical on-boarding requirements.
BSN Handbooks


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Go beyond the classroom and get a real-world nursing experience in our state-of-the-art Nursing Simulation Center.

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A BSN Nursing Student checks a simulated patient


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The Bachelor of Science in Nursing is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education 

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